Eat more fat and less carbs.
Boost your fat burning.
Resources to guide you.

How Eating Low Carb Is Costing You Money (And How To Fix It)
One of the biggest complaints that you hear when discussing a Low Carb High Fat diet is the cost. Many of the foods that become staples when you eat this way can be expensive, and shopping lists are full of high priced items. You may begin to feel overwhelmed. There...
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What To Expect When You’re Expecting…To Cut Carbs Part 2
In our last post, we spoke about the importance of learning from each other’s experience. In today’s post, Lisa and Oli, two of the coaches at The Newer You, will be talking about their experience making the switch to low carb high fat. They’ll be describing how they...
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What To Expect When You’re Expecting…To Cut Carbs
There are many benefits to eating Low Carb High Fat. It’s an intuitive way to eat. For people who have been on a lot of diets, it’s actually a lot like simply eating again. You listen to your body, and eat when you need to. You’re not hungry and burning fat gives you...
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Fat is Your Friend
As scientists learn more about the nutritional properties of fat, it’s becoming more clear: fat has gotten a raw deal. Surprisingly, the “balanced diet” of carbohydrates and protein that we’ve been fed through our mouth and ears for years is the real culprit. One of...
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Working Out The "Working Out Debate": Do I Need To Exercise?
"I didn't exercise once while I was losing weight." Once upon a time, this might have been an unusual statement to hear. Physical activity has been a staple of weight loss gurus for years. It is practically a no-brainer. A gym membership, running routine, or exercise...
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10 Low Carb High Fat Desserts To Stave Off Temptation
Tomorrow is Halloween, which for many is a time of serious temptation. But just around the corner are Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a host of other holiday celebrations which bring with them their own tasty treats laden with sugar. It can be so easy to fall off the...
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Fatphobia: Getting Over Your Fear Of Dietary Fat
We have a serious problem as a society, and one that has been spreading and deepening for decades: we are afraid of eating fat. Butter, rich cheeses, cream, red meats, eggs, oils and even avocados have been demonized by every nutritionist and “food expert” for years....
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Chuck’s Story of Eating Low Carb and Getting Healthy
In this post, we'll be meeting Chuck a low carb coach at The Newer You and an "experience expert" when it comes to eating low carb and making it work in real life on a real budget. This is the first in a series of posts we're you get to learn more about the coaches...
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More Ways Eating Low Carb High Fat Is Costing You Money (And How To Fix It)
A couple of weeks ago we told you how you could be spending a lot more money than you mean to on a Low Carb High Fat diet. But those probably aren't the only ways you are blowing your budget. Here are more reasons your wallet is empty, and how you can fix it. You Are...
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How To Eat More Fat, Without Going Crazy On The Protein
Low Carb, High Fat, Moderate Protein...this is the formula for the perfect ketogenic diet. It is also one of the most frequently misunderstood concepts of this way of eating. A few months ago, Coach Olivia was having a procedure done. While speaking to the nurse, the...
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